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Die Titel aller bisher erschienenen inhaltlichen Originalbeiträge sind hier in alphabetischer Reihenfolge der Autorinnen und Autoren aufgeführt. Es handelt sich um 971 Beiträge, die mit der vollständigen Quellenangabe aufgelistet sind. Dazu kommen 117 Übersetzungen, die direkt unterhalb des Originaltexts angegeben sind. In der Summe ergibt das 1088 Beiträge im inhaltlichen Teil der englischen und deutschen Ausgaben von E&C bis Juli 2015.

Die Editorials, Reviews und Besprechungen sind an dieser Stelle nicht aufgeführt. Sie finden Sie unter Redaktionelles.

Aalberse, Maarten (1990): Groundig terror and the dark night of the soul, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 21/2, 1-12
Aalberse, Maarten (1990): Erdungs-Angst und die schwarze Nacht der Seele, in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 21, Nr. 2, 63-75
Aalberse, Maarten (1991): Groundig terror and the dark night of the soul. Part 2, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 21, 1991, 1, 1-12
Aalberse, Maarten (1991): Erdungsangst und die schwarze Nacht der Seele. Teil 2, in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 22, Nr. 3, 13-25
Aalberse, Maarten (1991): Groundig terror and the dark night of the soul. Part 3, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 22, 1991, 2, 78-87
Aalberse, Maarten (1991): Erdungsangst und die schwarze Nacht der Seele. Teil 3, in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 22, Nr. 4, 33-43
Aalberse, Maarten (1992): The dark night of the soul. Part 4, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 23, 1992, 1, 52-64
Aalberse, Maarten (1992): Erdungsangst und die schwarze Nacht der Seele. Teil 4, in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 23, Nr. 5, 133-148
Aalberse, Maarten (1992): Potent pain, healing madness, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 23, 1992, 2, 21-29
Aalberse, Maarten (1992): Heilende Verrücktheit, in: Energie & Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese - Somatische Psychotherapie, 23, 23, 1992, 6, 89-99
Aalberse, Maarten (1993): If you can't beat them, join them, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 24, 1993, 1, 1-15
Aalberse, Maarten (1993): Wenn Du sie nicht schlagen kannst... (Unitive Psychologie), in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 24, Nr. 7, 101-119
Aalberse, Maarten (1994): Projective identification and organic transference, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 25, 1994, 1, 59-76
Aalberse, Maarten (1993): Projektive Identifikation und Organische Übertragung (Unitive Psychotherapie), in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 24, Nr. 8, 93-117
Aalberse, Maarten (1994): Comprehension and competence, contagion and commitment. Plenum lecture at the 4 th EABP congress in Strasbourg, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 25, 1994, 2, 1-10
Aalberse, Maarten (1994): Verständnis und Kompetenz, Ansteckung und Verbindung, in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 25, Nr. 9, 123-132
Aalberse, Maarten (1997): When eros fails. Respecting shame, welcoming pleasure and approaching unity, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 28, 1997, 1, 77-93
Aalberse, Maarten (1998): Wenn Eros versagt. Scham anerkennen, Lust begrüßen, sich der Ganzheit nähern. Teil 1: Ein Überblick, in: Energie & Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese - Somatische Psychotherapie, 29, 1998, 17, 149-169
Aalberse, Maarten (2000): Das SLAIM'S Projekt - eine Leitlinie über den Umgang mit Scham, in: Energie & Charakter, 31, 21, 128-133
Aalberse, Maarten (2000): Idealisierung, Scham und Freude, in: Energie & Charakter, 31, 22, 44-67
Aalberse, Maarten (2000, 2001): Idealization, shame and delight. Part 1, in: Energy & Character, 31, 1, 107-125. Part 2, in: Energy & Character, 31, 2, 50-64
Acero, Liliana (1998): The senses: An opening to subtle perception. Biosynthesis, bioenergetic analysis and healing, in: Boadella, David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 29, 1998, 1, 23-33
Acero, Liliana (2009): Feminity, Gender and Essence in Body-Psychotherapy, Part 1: Reflections an theory, clinical and teaching experience, in: Energy & Character, Vol. 37, 47-55
Acero, Liliana (2013): Feminity, Gender and Essence in Body-Psychotherapy Part 2. Reflections on theory, clinical and teaching experience, in: Energie & Charakter und Energy & Character, Jg. 43, Heft 36, 153-168
Alberti, Bettina (2002): Vom Halten, Gehalten werden und sich Niederlassen. Bindungsthemen bei psychotherapeutischer Arbeit mit frühgestörten Klienten, in: Energie & Charakter, 33, 26, 76-83
Alberti, Heiner (2000): Der " Internationale Kongress für Embryologie, Therapie und Gesellschaft 2002", in: Energie & Charakter, 31, 22, 134-139
Alberti, Heiner (2001): "International Congress on Embryology, Therapy and Society 2002" , in: Energy and Character, 31, 2, 84-89
Ali, Abdul-Hameed (Almaas) (1983): Essence and Sexuality I, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 14, No. 2, 21-31, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Ali, Abdul-Hameed (Almaas) (1984): Essence and Sexuality II, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1-13, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Ali, Abdul-Hameed (Almaas) (1985): Essence and Sexuality. Part III, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 16, No. 1, 42-58, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Ali, Abdul-Hameed (Almaas) (1986): Essence and Sexuality. Part IV, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 17, No. 1, 28-42, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Ali, Abdul-Hameed (Almaas) (1986): Essence and Sexuality. Part V, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 17, No. 2, 77-91, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Ali, Abdul-Hameed (Almaas) (1987): Essence and Sexuality. Part VI, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 18, No. 1, 53-73, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Allen, John A. B. (1970): Infantile Autism and the 'Holding Relationship', in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 1, No. 1-2, 69-72, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Allen, Ken (1984): New Dimension in Bioenergetic Psychotherapy, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 15, No. 2, 40-51, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Andrade, Hernani Guimaraes (1981): PSI - Matter , in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 12, No. 2, 9-18, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Andrade, Hernani Guimaraes (1981): P.S.I - Matter. Part II: The Biological Organizing Model and the Biomagnetic Field, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 12, No. 3, 15-28, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Andreae, Cièle M. (1985): Core Life Processes, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1-12, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Ardilles, Hugo (1987): Centres and Energies, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 18, No. 1, 45-52, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Arnold, Jo (2004): Biosynthese und Systemische Therapie. Aspekte der Anwendung in einer Therapie, in: Energie und Charakter, 35, 28, 87-94
Askitis, Harry (1993): Eine berufspolitische Vision (Psychotherapeutenverband), in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 24, Nr. 7, 71-81
Askitis, Harry (1994): Die berufspolitische Situation der Körperpsychotherapeuten in Deutschland nach der Verabschiedung des Psychotherapeutengesetzes, in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 25, Nr. 9, 158-185; mit einem Nachtrag in: 25, 10, 181-182
Askitis, Harry (1997): Das Psychotherapeutengesetz im Spannungsfeld widerstrebender Interessen, in: Energie & Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese - Somatische Psychotherapie, 28, 1997, 16, 20-39
Askitis, Harry, Rimmler, Uli (1993): Körpertherapie und Homosexualität - Eine Kritik, in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 24, Nr. 8, 145-154
Astor, Martin H. (1991): A bioenergetic view on invisibility, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 22, 1991, 2, 33-42
Austin, Mary, Lancester, David, Toerien, Dawn (1976): Acupuncture and Orgone. Part III: Colloid Behaviour and Massage: Part IV: Ether, Chi and Orgone, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, 38-45, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Barnett, Michael (1973): An Experience in Moving Energy, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, 42-43, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Baldinger, Suna (2009): Strukturelle Veränderungen in der Körperpsychotherapie - Eine Betrachtung auf der Grundlage der Bindungs­- und Gehirnforschung in Bezug zur Biosynthese, in: Energie & Charakter, 40, 33, 9-18
Bartuska, Christian (2000): Energie. Gedanken zur Verwendung des Begriffs Energie in der Körperpsychotherapie und Reaktion auf Kritik daran (insbesondere von George Downing), in: Energie & Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese , 30, 20, 172-186
Bartuska, Christian (2006): Neurobiologie und Biodynamik, in: Energie & Charakter, 37, 30, 60-78
Bartuska, Christian & Gabriele (2011): Körperpsychotherapie - Bestätigung durch Naturwissenschaft, in: Energie & Charakter, 42, 35, 9-35
Baum, Emmanuel (1981): A Cursory Look at Developmental Approach and Bioenergetic Analysis, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1-14, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Baumann, Sabine (1986): My Experience with the Orgone Accumulator, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 17, No. 1, 65-68, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Beaudry, Joy (1971): The First International Conference of Bio-Energetic Analysis. 1971 Preliminary Report, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, 3, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bell, Judith A. (1996): Establishing relational edges in dissociative space, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 27, 1996, 2, 15-30
Bellis, John M. (1971): The Power of Groups, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, 42-44, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bellis, John M. (1973): A baby step forward, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, 83, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bellis, John M. (1973): The Foreign Body Effect of Small Groups within Larger Organizations. A Cautionary Note, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 4, No. 3, 73-74, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bellis, John M. (1976): "Dead End" Resistance, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, 67-68, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bellis, John M. (1977): Swallowing and Jaw Tension, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 8, No. 3, 84-85, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bellis, John M. (1979): Laughter and play in bioenergetic analysis, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 10, No. 2, 70-79, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bellis, John M. (1981): On the initial interview in bioenergetic analysis, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 12, No. 1, 67-72, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bellis, John M. (1981): The Ground of Bioenergetic Analysis, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 12, No. 3, 71-72, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bellis, John M. (1987): Visual and vestibulo-motor disturbances in chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders, (Vortrag, gehalten am 8.3.1983. Psychiatric Grand Rounds. Hospital of St. Raphael), in: Vol. 18, No. 2, 65-69
Bendit, Laurence J. (1976): The Etheric Body and its Metabolism, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, 46-66, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Benoit Bardy, Marie-Chantal (1975): Wilhelm Reich and Roger du Teil, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, 39-42, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bentzen, Marianne (1993): Gesunde Liebe, in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 24, Nr. 8, 184-190
Bentzen, Marianne, Bernhardt, Peter, Isaacs, Joel (1996): Waking the body ego: Part 2. Lisbeth Marcher's Somatic Developmental Psychotherapy, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 27, 1996, 1, 38-50
Bentzen, Marianne, Bernhardt, Peter, Isaacs, Joel (1996): Waking the body ego: Part 3. Psychomotor development and character structure, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 27, 1996, 2, 61-76
Bentzen, Marianne, Bernhardt, Peter, Isaacs, Joel (1997): Waking the body ego: Part 4, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 28, 1997, 1, 108-121
Bentzen, Marianne, Jorgensen, Steen A., Marcher, Lisbeth (1989): The Bodynamic Character Structure Model, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis Research, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1-17, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications Bentzen, Marianne, Jörgensen, Sten, Marcher, Lisbeth (1990): Corrections to the article "BODYnamic Character Structures". (Published in "Energy and Character"., Vol. 20, No.1, 1989), in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 21, 1990, 1, 77-78
Berg, Leila (1973): Into the Dangerous World, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, 3-6, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Berliner, Jaques (1988): Bioenergetic Analysis and Border Line Patients, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 19, No. 1, 11-26, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bernhardt, Peter (1984): Character Structures and Belief Systems, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 15, No. 2, 61-64, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bernhardt, Peter, Bentzen, Marianne (1995): Waking the body ego. Lisbeth Marcher's somatic developmental psychology, in: Boadella. David (Hrsg.), Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, 26, 1995, 1, 47-59
Bischof, Marco, Lassek, Heiko (2000): Wege zu einer integralen Heilkunde. Impulse für ein ganzheitliches Bild des Menschen. Zur Krise des Gesundheitswesens, in: Energie und Charakter, 31, 21, 121-127
Bizzi, Bruno (1970): Orgone Energy. Life-Force (Galvani), and Morbid States, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 1, No. 1-2, 31-36, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Bizzi, Bruno (1972): Light in deep Vacuum lamps and vital energy, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, 16-17, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Blishen, Edward (1973): Who is Neill and What Does Neill Say ?, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, 15-20, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1970): The Concept of Bio-Energy, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 1, No. 1-2, 11-20, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1970): Studies of Reich's Work in Italy, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 1, No. 1-2, 73-75, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1971): The Language of the Body in Bio-Energetic Therapy, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, 12-17, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1971): On Doctrinaire Movements, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, 70-76, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1971): Social Structure and Character Structure, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, 34-45, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications Boadella, David (1996): Sozialstruktur und Charakterstruktur, in: Energie & Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese - Somatische Psychotherapie, 27, 1996, 14, 3-18
Boadella, David (1971): Contact and Dread, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, 71-77, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1972): Reactions to the Makavejev Film, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2-3, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1972): The Return of the Repressed. A Study in Pseudo-Sexual Behaviour, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, 61-69, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1972): The Divided Body. A Case Study, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 26-36, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications Boadella, David (1993): Der geteilte Körper (Grundlagentexte der Biosynthese 6), in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 24, Nr. 7, 4-19
Boadella, David et al. (1972): The Atmosphere and the Organism. Part I-VII, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, 18-37, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1973): On Storming Oneself Out, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, 26-30, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1973): Moralism, Pornography, and Encounter, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, 60-63, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1973): A Person and his Experience, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, 62-68, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1973): LSD, The Body and the Culture. Part I: The Paradox of LSD, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 4, No. 3, 57-58, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1974): Emotional expression and vegetative rhythms, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, 30-36, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1974): Reich´s impact in England, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, 70-76, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1974): Appeal. The A. S. Neill Trust, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 5, No. 2, 84-85, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1974): Stress and Character-Structure. A Synthesis of Concepts, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 5, No. 2, 27-60, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1974): Energy and Language, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, 58-62, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1975): Between Coma and Convulsion. Part I: Fluidity and Charge: Part II: In Search of Convulsion, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, 4-24, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1975): Wilhelm Reich. Body Therapy and Body Politics, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, 79-82, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1975): Ola Raknes (1887 - 1975), in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, 65-72, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1975): Between Coma and Convulsion. Part III: The Quest for Trance, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, 18-32, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1975): Between Coma and Convulsion. Part IV: Trips in Space, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, 27-38, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1975): Bioplasma and Orgone Biophysics, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, 42-47, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1976): Beetween Coma and Convulsion. Part V: Barriers, Boundaries and Membranes, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, 68-78, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1976): Organ Systems and Life-Styles. Part I, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 7, No. 3, 27-39, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications Boadella, David (1990): Dynamische Morphologie, (Grundlagentexte der Biosynthese 1) in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 21, Nr. 2, 1-21
Boadella, David (1977): Organ Systems and Life Styles. Part II: Styles of Breathing, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, 26-31, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications Boadella, David (1991): Stile der Atmung, (Grundlagentexte der Biosynthese 2) in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 22, Nr. 3, 2-12
Boadella, David (1977): Flesh, Energy and Orgonotic Contact, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1977): Maps of Character. Part I, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, 39-51, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1977): Unison and Separation, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 8, No. 3, 51-56, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1977): Organ Systems and Life Styles. Part III: Gravity Muscles and Heart Feelings, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 8, No. 3, 74-78, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications Boadella, David (1991): Schwerkraft, Muskeln und Herzgefühle, (Grundlagentexte der Biosynthese 3) in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 22, Nr. 4, 26-32
Boadella, David (1978): Twenty Years After, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2-3, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1978): Maps of Character. Part II, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, 19-34, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1993): Muster der Persönlichkeit Teil 1 und 2, (Grundlagentexte der Biosynthese 7 und 8), in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 24, Nr. 8, 2-46 (Üb. von Part I und II)
Boadella, David (1978): Organ Systems and Life Styles. Part V: The Flow to the head, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 9, No. 3, 6-17, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications Boadella, David (1992): Der Energiefluß zum Kopf, (Grundlagentexte der Biosynthese 4) in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 23, Nr. 5, 149-165
Boadella, David (1979): Organ Systems & Life Styles. Part VI: Genital Contact and Sexual Hangups, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 10, No. 1, 23-29, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications Boadella, David (1992): Genitaler Kontakt & sexuelle Komplexe, (Grundlagentexte der Biosynthese 5), in: Energie und Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese u. Somatische Psychotherapie, 23, Nr. 6, 2-11
Boadella, David (1979): Inner ground, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 10, No. 2, 48-59, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1979): The wounding healers, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 10, No. 2, 46-47, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1980): Violence in Therapy, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1-20, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1980): The Death of the Ego - Part I. The Meta-Psychology of Surrender, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 11, No. 2, 64-83, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1980): The Death of the Ego. Part II: Disciples and Character Patterns, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 11, No. 3, 53-74, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1982): Incarnation. Life in the Womb, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1-24, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1982): The Womb, the Tomb and the Spirit. Part I, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Bioenergetic Research, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1-11, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1983): Formative Process & Organising Field - Part I. The Orgonomic Potential/ Part II: Unity and Antithesis of Functions, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, 3-17, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1983): Formative Process and Organising Field. Part III: Superimposition, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 14, No. 2, 72-84, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1983): The Womb, the Tomb and the Spirit. Part II, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, 68-82, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
Boadella, David (1984): Embryology & Character. An Introductory Note, in: Energy and Character, The Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 15, No. 2, 29-30, Abbotsbury: Abbotsbury Publications
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Boadella, David (2000): Shape flow and postures of the soul – The Biosynthesis concept of the motoric fields, in: Energy and Character, International Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 30, No. 2, 7-21 Boadella, David (2000): Formenfluß und Seelenhaltung – Das Biosynthese-Konzept der Motorischen Felder, in: Energie & Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese, 30, 20, 13-26
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Boadella, David (2000): Somatic psychology and somatic psychotherapy: A chronology over four centuries, in: Energy and Character, International Journal of Biosynthesis, Vol. 30, No. 2, 95-106 Boadella, David (2000): Somatische Psychologie und somatische Psychotherapie: Eine Chronologie der letzten vier Jahrhunderte, in: Energie & Charakter, 31, 21, 148-160
Boadella, David (2000): Die Erweckung der Sensibilität und die Wiederentdeckung der Motilität. Psycho-physische Synthese als Grundlage der Körperpsychotherapie: Das 100-jährige Vermächtnis von Pierre Janet, in: Energie & Charakter, Zeitschrift für Biosynthese, 31, 21, 7-22
Boadella, David (2008): Awakening Sensibility, Recovering Motility - Psycho-physical synthesis at the foundations of body-psychotherapy: the 100­year legacy of Pierre Janet (1859-1947), IN: ENERGY & CHARACTER, 38, 36, 15-24
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Sonderhefte von “Energy & Character” bzw. “Energie & Charakter”:
1. (1980): Embryology and Therapy
2. (1990): Organism and Organisation bzw. (1990): Organismus und Organisation
Zur Feier von David Boadellas 80. Geburtstag erschien außerdem im Juli 2011 eine Textsammlung mit dem Titel:
3. Erwin Kaiser (Hrsg., 2011): "Etwas geht immer weiter ... David Boadella. Eine Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag", Bühler: Orgon Verlag (176 Seiten)